We were honoured and privileged to meet the King and Queen who packed meals for our families.
Watch the video or read the full story below.
We were honoured and privileged to meet the King and Queen who packed meals for our families.
Watch the video or read the full story below.
“The number of adults and children that Doorstep serves and the positive outcomes they are achieving, with such a small team and limited funding, is truly amazing. The grant we give could not be used to better affect helping the numerous families who would have fallen apart without their support”
– StreetSmart
Families attending Doorstep are homeless for a variety of reasons, including: family circumstances, illness, loss of employment, domestic violence, racial harassment, financial difficulties, and due to refugee status. Doorstep aims to assist these families by providing goods and services to make their lives more comfortable as they await a permanent housing solution.
Situated in the Abbots and Levine Hostel, Doorstep serves the 45 families accommodated immediately above, as well as those living in other temporary accomodation in North Camden, London.
We provide space and resources for children to play, learn, develop and to help them reach their potential. Through these activities and services Doorstep aims to create a community of growth, healing and a sense of belonging that enables children and families to gain strength and confidence as they engage in society and press forward with their future.
Please donate to Doorstep – no matter how small your contribution, it will be greatly appreciated. Help us to keep helping families who really need our support. Sincere thanks!
Video produced by Tapestry Pictures.
Thanks so much to everyone who donated through the Big Give, Summer Give campaign. Thanks to your generosity we exceeded our target of £5,000 and with Gift aid raised an amazing £6,838! The funds will be used towards the costs of running our special programme of activities and outings for 65 kids this summer.
Play and creative activities for children
Classes and information sessions for adults e.g Step to Employment Work Club
Outings and special activities during the school holidays
Tel : 020 7372 0413
Web : www.doorsteplondon.com
Email: [email protected]